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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "The World of Animals" (В мире животных) для 5 класса по УМК “Spotlight”

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие.

Teacher: Good morning! Good morning!  Good morning to you! Good morning! Good morning!  I am glad to see you! 
Children: Good morning! Good morning!  Good morning to you! Good morning! Good morning! We are glad to see you!
Teacher: Sit down, please! Let's start our lesson. I hope, you are fine today. We have an unusual lesson. As you can see, we have a guest. Her name is... Let's greet our guest. Good morning, ...! Children: Good morning, ...!

2. Беседа о дате и дне недели. Определение темы урока и плана работы.

Teacher: What date is it today?Children: It's the 31 st of January.

Teacher: What day of  the week is it today?Children: It's Friday.

Teacher: Who's absent today?Children: All are present/ ... is absent.

Teacher: What's your homework?Children: A project about animals.

Teacher: All right. Thank you. Children! Look around! What can you see on the walls? Children:Animals.                                                                                                     Teacher: Do they live in one country or in different countries of the world? Children: In different countries.

Teacher: How do you think what is the topic of our lesson today? What are we going to talk about?Children: The World of AnimalsAbout animals.

Teacher: Well done! Today we are going to speak about a large world of different animals. You are going to take part in different competitions. So you are going to work in groups. Look there! What animals are there? (Обращается к группе учащихся, сидящих за первым столом. Показывает лазерной указкой на картинки с изображением диких животных.)Children: "Wild Animals"

Teacher: Right you are! So, your team is "Wild Animals" (Учитель ставит табличку на стол группы.) What animals can you see on that wall?  (Обращается к другой группе учащихся. Показывает лазерной указкой на картинки с изображением животных с фермы.)  Children: "Farm Animals"

Teacher: Good! And your team is "Farm Animals" (Учитель ставит табличку на стол группы.) Now look there! What kind of animals can you see?  (Обращается к третьей группе учащихся. Показывает лазерной указкой на картинки с изображением домашних питомцев.)Children: "Pets"

Teacher: Right you are! So, the third team is "Pets". (Учитель ставит табличку на стол группы.)

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Now let's do phonetic drills! Repeat after me!

[f] fox, frog, fish, wolf.

[r] rat, parrot, zebra, frog

[au] mouse, round, cow, house

[æ] My cat is black and fat. My cat likes rats. Rats are fat.

Children: (Повторяют за учителем слова и скороговорку.)

Teacher: Now read the words! Read the tongue-twister! (Читают самостоятельно слова и скороговорку .)                                                       

III. Речевая зарядка в форме игры.

1). Teacher: Good job! Please, look at the picture of a strange animal! What animals can you see here? Say like that: "I can see a wolf in the picture."

1. An elephant  2. A tiger3. A pig4. A rabbit5. A kangaroo6. A giraffe7. A frog 8. A dove/ A bird  

Children: (Называют животных по очереди, части которых они видят на изображении слайда.)                                                                                                          Teacher: Well done!

IV. Аудирование песни и обсуждение услышанного.  

Teacher: And  now listen to the song and sing along! Try to remember the animals.                                                                                                                  Children: (Слушают и подпевают песню "Простая песенка на английском про животных". Запоминают животных из песни: a dog, a cat, a mouse, a bird, a fish, a lion.)


Teacher: Name the mentioned animals, please!

Children: A dog, a cat, a mouse, a bird, a fish, a lion.

Teacher: What are they?

Children: Pets.

Teacher: Can lions be good pets?

Children: No, they can't

Teacher: Why do you think so?

Children: They are wild and dangerous animals

Teacher: Yes. You are right.      

V. Тренировка лексических единиц по теме. 

1). Логические цепочки слов. 

Teacher: Look at chains of words. One word in each chain is wrong. Cross out the odd word in each chain.

Children: (Команды по очереди называют лишнее слово в цепочке.)

1. Hyena, tiger, lion, panda, leopard.                                                                                2. Dolphin, camel, whale, crocodile, penguin.                                                             3. Cow, horse, pig, sheep, hen.

2). Решение чайнворда.

Teacher: Look at the chainword! Find as many words as you can.                      Children: (Учащиеся находят слова и обводят их на листах.)








Wolf, fish, shark, kangaroo, owl, leopard, dog.

3). Анаграммы.

Teacher: Write the names of the animals correctly.                                          Children: (Учащиеся заполняют карточки.)

god,  nilo,  getir,  nomeky,  omuse,  sohre,  rabe, shpee

dog, lion, tiger, monkey, mouse, horse, bear, sheep

4). Загадки о животных.

Teacher: Guess!  What animal is it?                                                                             Children: (Команды по очереди разгадывают загадки о животных.)

  • This animal is cute. It lives in Australia. It likes eucalyptus leaves. (Koala)
  • This huge animal has a long trunk, tusks and big ears. It lives in Africa. (Elephant)
  •  This animal lives on a farm. It eats grass and gives milk. (Cow)
  •  This animal can live without food and water for three weeks. It has a hump on its back. (Camel)  
  •  This animal has got a beautiful white skin with black stripes. It’s like a horse but lives in Africa. (Zebra)
  • This animal has a thick mane around its neck. It’s the king of the animal world?  (Lion)

Далее - по ссылке ниже


Исходник: http://olga-mihaleva.ucoz.ru/otkrytyj_urok_po_anglijskomu_jazyku_po_teme_mir_zh.docx

Презентация: http://olga-mihaleva.ucoz.ru/prezentacija_the_world_of_animals.ppt






Категория: Открытые уроки | Добавил: Akshael (20.05.21)
Просмотров: 124
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